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Englisch (US)
Geschlecht: Männlich Alter: 45

sonstige gesprochene Sprachen:





Dokumentarfilme, E-Learning, Fernsehen und Kino, Filmtrailer, Firmenvideo / Firmenportrait, Hörbuch, Live-Sprecher vor der Kamera usw., Online-Promotions / Werbungen / Werbespots, Podcasts, Telefon IVR-Systeme, TV-Show und Film, Video- und Computerspiele, Werbespots in Rundfunk

Charakteristika der Stimme:

I have a classic, powerful, deep male voice with a generic Mid-Atlantic American accent. My voice is strong but versatile, and I can ably perform a range of tones and inflections from chipper young adult to wise old man. Whether you are producing a commercial, a documentary, an internet release, a product demo, a corporate piece for use internally or with clients, or even your company's automated telephone attendant, I have the experience and versatility to bring your script to life. I even do a few quality impressions. If you need a voice that sounds like Sam Elliot, Morgan Freeman, Mike Rowe, Dennis Leary, or Bill Clinton, ask me for a custom demo of your script.

Ausschnitt Audio-Dateien

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