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Englisch (US)
Geschlecht: Männlich Alter: 53


Tiefbass, Leicht


Dokumentarfilme, E-Learning, Firmenvideo / Firmenportrait, Hörbuch, Live-Sprecher vor der Kamera usw., Online-Promotions / Werbungen / Werbespots, Podcasts, Synchronisation, Telefon IVR-Systeme, TV-Show und Film, Video- und Computerspiele, Werbespots in Rundfunk

CV / Erfahrung:

I have 14 years of on air radio experience, now performing voice overs on a freelance level. I am full time, and have steady work, but I’m always out there looking to better myself and my clients. Work with me one time and you will agree that I am the best choice for your voice recording needs. Thank you for your time, and this opportunity…Joe

Charakteristika der Stimme:

Many voice characters from main stream movies to silly cartoon characters.

Ausschnitt Audio-Dateien

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