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Engelsk (Amerikansk)
Køn: Herre (mand) Alder: 57


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Biografreklamer, Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, E-Learning, Filmtrailer, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Showreel, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

New England Unknown Host and Narrator Seng Varipath/Seng2kx Productions
Pretty Undead Detective Michael Torn Seng Varipath/Seng2kx Productions
Sometimes a Taco is Just A Taco Clint Kevin Anderton/Midnight Chimes Prod.

Burger King Ugbuoku Opara/Outpost Audio
GTE Federal Credit Union Anna Streufert/Shooting Starts Post
Johnson & Johnson Malin Edschage/ClearPoint Learning
Fidelity Investments Gina Phaneuf/Brainshark
White House Fellows Foundation Jesse Achtenberg/New Media Mill
Autodesk X-Space (Munich)
iRobot Black Fly Media
EMC Corporation Jeff Bowser/Jeff Bowser Productions
Boehringer Ingelheim/Mirapex Sarah Scardilli/ClearPoint Learning
Astellas Pharma Kerry Greenwood/ClearPoint Learning
Dow AgroSciences Leanne Batchelder/Bottom-Line Performance
Harrah’s Rob Jax/Five6 Productions
Ingersoll Rand/Schlage Leanne Batchelder/BLP
Philips Corporation Steve Cahill/Philips Corporation
Service Credit Union Terry Murray/WMUR-TV (ABC)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont Rich Barrett/Lunchpail Prod.
Mettler Toledo John Connors/The Troupe
Mass. Auto Coalition Tiffany Kalmar/Home Front Productions
Newmar Motorhomes Johnathan Brouwer/CVC Communications
Bank of America Kristen Snyder/Brainshark
ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM Orientation Lynn Wozniak/Elsevier-MC Strategies

Vocal usage and inflection Jay Ginsberg, Marc Graue
Developing a Character Pat Fraley
Characters Toby Tarnow
Finding Your Inner Voice Marice Tobias
Voice Pro Workshop Will Lyman, Rena Baskin, Paul Horn, JC Haze, Jordan Rich, Mike Jablon,
Harlan Hogan – all c/o Lau Lapides Co. Studio Div.

Can sing bass/baritone and whistle. Working knowledge of ProTools and Adobe Audition. Able to edit and add FX and bed music to voice track and video. Also able to sync to picture.

Representative Credits Available Upon Request
List of Conflicts Available Upon Request

Stemme karakteristika:

Classic, clean, warm, sultry, guy next door, powerful, fatherly, grandfatherly, excited, natural, instructional, authoritative

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