Engelsk (Britisk)
Kvinde (dame) Alder:
Andre talte sprog:
Biografreklamer, Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, E-Learning, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame
Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):
With a background in Broadcast Journalism experience news reading and presenting at LBC Radio and NewsDirect Radio., Sophie moved into the voiceover world in 2017 after 15 rewarding years working in the corporate world. Using her voice in corporate films and animation, product explainers and telephony systems, Sophie sells, informs and educates.
Sophie loves the creative process of taking client’s scripts and bringing them to life in voiceover form and it is her rich, warm and engaging voice and authoritative delivery that makes her work so successful.
Stemme karakteristika:
My voice is friendly and genuine with a clear and sincere tone.
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