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Engelsk (Irsk)
Køn: Herre (mand) Alder: 52

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Engelsk (Britisk)




Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Indlæsning af lydbøger, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Live speaker on camera etc., Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Showreel, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

Active from 2004 as a voiceover artist. Cartoon dubbing in Czech Television, corporate branding at BASF, brand voiceover at Aveco, TV commercials with Scilif, Grant Video, Nowaco and many more. With over 500 hours of recorded voice material over 20 years, I have the voice you need. Experienced in corporate, TV, cartoon character acting, Ids, IVR, ads, audio-theatre & narration. All prices quoted in consultation include: studio time, a round of script revision & confirmation, a full buy-out rate plus a round of client-request changes free. Audio to broadcast standard. Raw or edited, the file will be free of noise, hum, or any glitches.

Stemme karakteristika:

Smooth, trustworthy, yet quirky, midrange English with Irish, mid-Atlantic or neutral British accent; wide ranging for character voices in dubbing & cartoon; warm & authoritative for corporate & narration. Age ranges 20-55.

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