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Køn: Kvinde (dame) Alder: 51

Andre talte sprog:

Engelsk (Britisk)


Medium, Meget lys


Biografreklamer, Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Filmtrailer, Indlæsning af lydbøger, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Live speaker on camera etc., Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Showreel, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

2009: Bank of Australia and New Zealand
2009: NEC
2009: SUN (IT Learning course)
2009: Goldman Sachs (Training Video)
2009: Cisco (Web Training)
2009: DrScholl (Commercial)
2009: French National Museum Union (Audio guide)
2009: The great wall of China (Audio guide)
2009: Madam Samurai (Film Trailer)
2010: Air China (Airport announcement)
2010: Cinema theque in Paris(Audio Guide)
2010: Palace of FontaineBleau(Audio Guide)
2010: Harris (Video)
2010: Marc Chagall Museum (Audio Guide)
2010: Egypt Airline (Airport announcement)
2011: Bateaux Mouches Cruise (Audio guide)
2011: Netherland Hop-on-Hop-off Bus (Audio Guide)
2011: Marmottan Museum (Audio Guide)
2011: LAN Airline (Airport announcement)
2011: Google (IVR)
2011: YouTube (IVR)
2011: Microsoft Internet Explorer9 (Training Video)
2011: Cape Town Cruise (Audio Guide)
2011: Android Market (IVR)
2011: US Bankcard (TV CM narration)
2011: Dior (Video: Cosmetics)
2012: Ghent Cruise (Belgium, Audio Guide)
2012: BMW (product video)
2012: Boston Logan Airport (Airport way finder)
2012: Toyota MPC (Narration: promotion video)
2012: American Express (Narration:Corporate video)
2012: Dragon's Dogma (Game)
2012: Master card (IVR)
2012: Hublot (Promotion video)
2012: Google Customer Support Center (IVR)
2012: Google Play Store (IVR)
2013: TripAdvisor (Web)
2013: BMW (Product Commercial)

Stemme karakteristika:

Clear, Friendly and Warm
Voice range little boy&girl, young girl, and middle aged lady

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