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Køn: Kvinde (dame) Alder: 47


Medium, Lys


Biografreklamer, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Filmtrailer, Indlæsning af lydbøger, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Showreel, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

A professional and native Japanese voiceover artist【Tokyo Standard Accent】,
covering full sound with warm tones that inspires confidence and trust.

My work spans over 5000 TV shows, radio commercials and video packages for 20 years.

As a professional emcee and lecturer, I have visited numerous events, festivals, and schools.

Japanese(Tokyo Standard Accent)

-I have started my career as a freelance voiceover artist since I was a university student.
-As I have recently gained a high reputation for narrating in infomercial programs, I have established trust and credibility with a variety of clients from cosmetic TV shopping channels to legal consultation information radio. (Over 300 clients for voice-over projects and MC)

-I have received many contest awards starting since I was a high school student.
-Performance Award—Japan Broadcast Culture Awards year of 2016(Kyushu district)

Stemme karakteristika:

versatile, believable, warm and friendly

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