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Køn: Herre (mand) Alder: 52

Andre talte sprog:

Engelsk (Amerikansk)




Biografreklamer, Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Filmtrailer, Indlæsning af lydbøger, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Live speaker on camera etc., Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Showreel, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

From: Moscow, Russia

Date of birth: 1973

Experience: I’ve starting on local radio in the 1994 as a voice talent and sound engineer in production studio. Became to enterpreneur on local TV, then moved to Moscow when I worked as announcer on one of the biggest Russian radio station “Mayak” and took a part in a lot of advertising projects. Now I’m working in own studio in Moscow for the clients all over the world.

As a DJ I have started my career in late 80-s, on school parties. Bought my first vinyls in the middle of 90-s, created first tracks in 2001-2002. I used to play in about 40 cities in 5 countries. Now I’m working as a DJ, musician and voice talent.

Stemme karakteristika:

Warm, flexible, multipurpose

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