Andre talte sprog:
Engelsk (Translatic/Neutral)
Medium, Lys
Biografreklamer, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Indlæsning af lydbøger, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Online kampagner / reklamer, Showreel, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame
Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):
Since 2013, she has been providing recordings in Slovenian and neutral European English with a British accent to clients home and abroad.
Credits: 360Karting, Adria Airways, Bayer, C&A, Chrysler, Danone, Delamaris, Ford, Goodyear, Harley Davidson, Iryo, Knorr, Krka, Lexibook, Linostar, Lidl, Ljubljana Airport, Ljubljana Tourism, L'Oreal, Mercedes-Benz, Mobitel, Neutro Roberts, Nescafe, Nissan, Nivea, Palmolive, P&G, SafeSize, Si.mobil, UNICEF, Whiskas, Wrigley.
Stemme karakteristika:
A versatile voice of gentle authority ranging from straight corporate to warm, friendly, and upbeat.