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Køn: Kvinde (dame) Alder: 39

Andre talte sprog:

Engelsk (Amerikansk)




Biografreklamer, Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Filmtrailer, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Online kampagner / reklamer, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

Amy is an award winning Bilingual Spanish / English voice over artist with a clear and true neutral accent. Born in Mexico, but brought up by Belizean parents, she grew up speaking fluent English at a very young age. She has had the opportunity to lend her voice to commercial, video game and dubbing projects for clients like; The Disney Channel, The Latin Recording Academy, Starship Troopers, McDonalds, Microsoft, PEPSICO, Ford and Pfizer to name a few. She is also winner of the 2021 Voice Arts Awards for Outstanding Mobile App - Best Voice Over Performance, three times nominated and winner of the One Voice Awards 2021 - Outstanding Live Event Announcer (Voice of God) and winner of the Premios LAVAT 2021 - For Best Commercial Female Revelation held in México for Spanish VO.

Stemme karakteristika:

Sounds Teen, 20's to early 30's
Optimist, Perky, vivacious, accesible, sarcastic, enthused, excited, annoyed, impatient, anxious, supportive, inspired, plotting, strategizing and very clever.

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