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Køn: Kvinde (dame) Alder: 51


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Biografreklamer, Computerspil, Dokumentarfilm, Dubbing, E-Learning, Indlæsning af lydbøger, Informationsfilm og firmaportræt, Online kampagner / reklamer, Podcasts, Telefon IVR-systemer, TV eller radioreklame, TV Shows og film

Erfaring vedr. speak (CV):

Native german voice over talent from Hamburg (Germany) with very versatile voice:
For example: clear voice for narrations and presentations
crazy, smooth,sexy voice for commercials
smooth and professional for audio books and presentations
young and funny voice for cartoons.
Native German Voice over Talent.
European English / English with a slight german accent

Accents and dialects:

german accents: westfahlian, saxon, viennese, bavarian, berlin, cologne
also foreign accents in german:
american, english, french, italian, spanish, turkish, polish, dutch, greek


Hi, I´m working as a professional german voiceover talent for over ten years.
I have references in all kinds of media like:
documentaries corporate videos, tutorials ,commercials, dubbing, jingles, off, narrations, audio books, CD-ROM, computer games, short movies, e-learning, on-hold messages and many more.

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