Other spoken languages:
English (American), Spanish-Latin
Voice Pitch:
Deep bass, Medium
Cinema Commercials, Corporate Video, Documentaries, Dubbing, E-Learning, Movie trailers, Online promotions / commercials, Phone IVR systems, Podcasts, TV or radio Commercials, TV Shows and movies, Video and computer games
CV / Experience:
References (selection): 3M, Adobe, Allianz, Apple, Beiersdorf, BMW, Cisco, Dell, Fujifilm, Fujitsu, Lilly, Honda, IBM, J&J, Lufthansa, Mars, Marvel, Mercedes Benz, Microsoft, Oracle, Roche, Samsung, Sanofi, SAP, Thyssenkrupp, Toshiba, Unilever, Vodafone, Xerox
Voice characteristics:
Variable voice from warm and friendly to distinctive and powerful.