Andra talade språk:
Engelska (Översätt / neutral)
Biografreklam, Dokumentärer, Dubbning, E-Learning, Filmtrailers, Företagsvideo, Ljudböcker, Online-Promotions, Podcasts, Talsvar-systemer (IVR), TV eller radioreklam, TV program och filmer, Video- och datorspel
CV / Erfarenhet:
Full-time voice talent, who can be heard for example on Spotify (2017-present),
Huawei support line (2017-present), Nick Junior (2019-present) and hundreds of other recordings every year for TV- and radio, web, IVR and eLearning.
Some previous clients include for example: Google, Microsoft, Honda,
Huawei, Samsung, Sloggi, European Comission, Norwegian Airlines, Smart Technologies, Spotify, Nick Jr, Libero,
Oral-B,, KappAhl, DHL,
Danske Bank, Sector Alarm, Tetra Pak, Scania etc.